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NEU Marketing

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NEUMARKETINGNEUMARKETINGA digital brochure is an electronicversion of a printed brochure,typically in the form of a PDFdocument or interactive website. It is used to provide informationabout a product, service, ororganization in an easy-to-readformat that can be accessed andviewed on a computer or mobiledevice. Digital brochures can include text,images, videos, and links to otherwebsites or resources. They can alsobe interactive and include forms,quizzes, and other interactiveelements.DIGITALBROCHUREWHAT IS A DIGITALBROCHURE?+27 82 529 7269+127 82 491 US

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REASONS WHY YOUSHOULD USE ADIGITAL BROCHURE When your physical brochure getshanded out, you have no way oftracking who you are handing it to orwhich of those people were actuallyinterested. With a digital brochure, youknow everything, from how much timeis spent on which page, who is clickingany of the links, where they are fromand who is returning to view yourbrochure again.We both know you care! So save theplanet, you don’t need the chemicalsin ink and you don’t need the tree tobe cut down, be a modern treehugger and save the planet whilesaving yourself a lot of money onprinting costs.ANALYTICS OR DATA, DATA, DATA!IT'S AVAILABLE 24/7Digital brochures are not limited to thestall where sticky fingers can ruin them orwhere they end up in every car wash’s binto be forgotten forever. They are availableto view online at any given time of the day– great for those late night onlineshoppers.IT’S EASY TO SHAREDigital brochures make it extremely easyto share with friends and family, this isthe easiest way to spread the wordwithout having to worry aboutmisplacing an A5 brochure oraccidentally using it to put your cup on soyou don’t leave a water ring on your table.EASY TO UPDATE!Made a typo? Petrol price went up again,so you have to adjust your pricing? Noproblem, you don’t need to reprint agazillion brochures or hope that Karenmakes you charge her the price displayedon the old brochure. Update your onlinebrochure at any time.SAVE THE PLANET!The craze in the market for digitalbrochures is growing rapidly due to itsconvenience, sustainability, vibrancy andcost effectiveness.Create consistency in your branding andthe message you want to deliver to yourcustomer, make the impression you leavean unforgettable and memorablecustomer experience.EVERYTHING YOUNEED TO ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESSGet in touch with us +27 82 529 7269 | +27 82 491 5528 | in

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REASONS WHY YOUSHOULD USE ADIGITAL BROCHURE When your physical brochure getshanded out, you have no way oftracking who you are handing it to orwhich of those people were actuallyinterested. With a digital brochure, youknow everything, from how much timeis spent on which page, who is clickingany of the links, where they are fromand who is returning to view yourbrochure again.We both know you care! So save theplanet, you don’t need the chemicalsin ink and you don’t need the tree tobe cut down, be a modern treehugger and save the planet whilesaving yourself a lot of money onprinting costs.ANALYTICS OR DATA, DATA, DATA!IT'S AVAILABLE 24/7Digital brochures are not limited to thestall where sticky fingers can ruin them orwhere they end up in every car wash’s binto be forgotten forever. They are availableto view online at any given time of the day– great for those late night onlineshoppers.IT’S EASY TO SHAREDigital brochures make it extremely easyto share with friends and family, this isthe easiest way to spread the wordwithout having to worry aboutmisplacing an A5 brochure oraccidentally using it to put your cup on soyou don’t leave a water ring on your table.EASY TO UPDATE!Made a typo? Petrol price went up again,so you have to adjust your pricing? Noproblem, you don’t need to reprint agazillion brochures or hope that Karenmakes you charge her the price displayedon the old brochure. Update your onlinebrochure at any time.SAVE THE PLANET!The craze in the market for digitalbrochures is growing rapidly due to itsconvenience, sustainability, vibrancy andcost effectiveness.Create consistency in your branding andthe message you want to deliver to yourcustomer, make the impression you leavean unforgettable and memorablecustomer experience.EVERYTHING YOUNEED TO ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESSGet in touch with us +27 82 529 7269 | +27 82 491 5528 | in

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REASONS WHY YOUSHOULD USE ADIGITAL BROCHURE When your physical brochure getshanded out, you have no way oftracking who you are handing it to orwhich of those people were actuallyinterested. With a digital brochure, youknow everything, from how much timeis spent on which page, who is clickingany of the links, where they are fromand who is returning to view yourbrochure again.We both know you care! So save theplanet, you don’t need the chemicalsin ink and you don’t need the tree tobe cut down, be a modern treehugger and save the planet whilesaving yourself a lot of money onprinting costs.ANALYTICS OR DATA, DATA, DATA!IT'S AVAILABLE 24/7Digital brochures are not limited to thestall where sticky fingers can ruin them orwhere they end up in every car wash’s binto be forgotten forever. They are availableto view online at any given time of the day– great for those late night onlineshoppers.IT’S EASY TO SHAREDigital brochures make it extremely easyto share with friends and family, this isthe easiest way to spread the wordwithout having to worry aboutmisplacing an A5 brochure oraccidentally using it to put your cup on soyou don’t leave a water ring on your table.EASY TO UPDATE!Made a typo? Petrol price went up again,so you have to adjust your pricing? Noproblem, you don’t need to reprint agazillion brochures or hope that Karenmakes you charge her the price displayedon the old brochure. Update your onlinebrochure at any time.SAVE THE PLANET!The craze in the market for digitalbrochures is growing rapidly due to itsconvenience, sustainability, vibrancy andcost effectiveness.Create consistency in your branding andthe message you want to deliver to yourcustomer, make the impression you leavean unforgettable and memorablecustomer experience.EVERYTHING YOUNEED TO ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESSGet in touch with us +27 82 529 7269 | +27 82 491 5528 | in

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NEUMARKETINGNEUMARKETINGA digital brochure is an electronicversion of a printed brochure,typically in the form of a PDFdocument or interactive website. It is used to provide informationabout a product, service, ororganization in an easy-to-readformat that can be accessed andviewed on a computer or mobiledevice. Digital brochures can include text,images, videos, and links to otherwebsites or resources. They can alsobe interactive and include forms,quizzes, and other interactiveelements.DIGITALBROCHUREWHAT IS A DIGITALBROCHURE?+27 82 529 7269+127 82 491 US

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NEUMARKETINGNEUMARKETINGA digital brochure is an electronicversion of a printed brochure,typically in the form of a PDFdocument or interactive website. It is used to provide informationabout a product, service, ororganization in an easy-to-readformat that can be accessed andviewed on a computer or mobiledevice. Digital brochures can include text,images, videos, and links to otherwebsites or resources. They can alsobe interactive and include forms,quizzes, and other interactiveelements.DIGITALBROCHUREWHAT IS A DIGITALBROCHURE?+27 82 529 7269+127 82 491 US